Thursday, September 3, 2020

Schooled Reviewed by Celine-Denisa


Capricorn Anderson has been homeschooled since he was born. Suddenly, his only caretaker Rain falls from a tree while picking plums, and Cap (short for Capricorn) has to go to a middle school for 8 weeks. Since Cap is a hippie growing up in a place far from society, he doesn’t know what’s going on. Cap stayed at the Donnellys, but the mom was a hippie too! Back at school, Cap was soon voted to be class president. Will he do well? Will he be able to go back to his home or stay at the middle school? Find out in the book Schooled!

The Pillar for this book is Respect because even though Cap was bullied for the first half of the book he really didn’t care and didn’t even know he was being bullied. But soon the students started to respect him even though he was different from the rest of them. Plus, Cap is really kind to people and respects them too. That’s why I think the Pillar for this book is Respect.

I think a look-alike for this book is Stargirl because both the main characters have trouble fitting in but don't really care about the bullies either.

I rate this book a 5 out of 5 because I always looked forward to reading it and it has some plot twists which keeps me glued to the book all day.

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