Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Dumplin' Reviewed by Chelsea Lee

Willowdean Dickson is a confident fat girl that lives in Clover City, a small Texan town. There is only one thing that Clover City is known for -- the Clover City Miss Teen Blue Bonnet Pageant. Willowdean has never had any issues with her self-esteem before, but one spur-of-the-moment decision threatens to tear down everything Will has ever thought about herself. On top of all that, she meets Bo, a hot sort-of-boyfriend. Will isn't sure if she can juggle Bo, the pageant, school drama and normal life without losing her self-esteem. Will Willowdean find comfort in her friends and stay a happy, self-assured girl, or will she crack under the pressure and lose everything? 

I rate this book 4.5 stars out of 5. It would be nice if it had a little less swearing in it, but it was an absolutely amazing book, and kept me riveted in a different way than any other book I've read. 

I would recommend this book for ages 13 and up for the language and conversation-starting topics. 

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