Thursday, September 3, 2020

Alex Rider Point Blank Reviewed by Anderson Brown

The book I read for my summer reading was, Alex Rider Point Blank. Here is the summary, Alex Rider is back with his second mission from MI6! Strangely, a billionaire is in a horrible accident and passes away, (the reader knows he was assassinated). To investigate the death, he goes to a school where the billionaires son goes called Point Blanc. To get into the school, Alex takes on the identity of "Alex Friend." When Alex gets to Point Blac he finds out that the school clones the students! Later, Alex is taken, then we  find out he was cloned. The real Alex and the cloned Alex get into I fight, then one of the Alex's die!!! Sadly, the book didn't reveal which Alex died. ðŸ˜­

Alex Rider is the best book series I have ever read, I really connect with these books, and make me want to read more.

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