Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Graceling by Kristin Cashore Reviewed by Avery So

Graceling is written about a world in which people born with different coloured eyes are known as ‘Gracelings’, and have special talents. These talents could be anything from fighting to singing. The book centers around a young Graceling named Katsa, who is graced with killing. 

She works for her uncle Randa, who makes her use her Grace against anybody who opposes the king. However, she works in secret with a group of close friends to help innocents escape from the corrupt kings of the Seven Kingdoms. 

When one of these missions leads to Katsa rescuing an old man of a royal Lienid family she teams up with Po, a Lienid prince with a mysterious Grace. Together, they begin to unravel one of the kingdom’s darkest secrets.


In my opinion, one of the best things about this book was its originality. The author created a story with the right amount of detail, and added suspense with every turn of the page. I would rate this book five out of five stars, and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys the genres of adventure and fantasy.

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