Thursday, September 3, 2020

​Optimists Die First Reviewed by Chelsea Lee

 Optimists Die First

​Sixteen-year-old Petula De Wilde is convinced that everything is potentially dangerous, from airplanes to doorknobs. A family tragedy has changed her life for the worse, and her family isn't sure if she'll ever be back to the way that she was, happy and content. She now has to see a counsellor, and attend a lame mandatory art therapy class with a bunch of misfits. When Jacob joins the misfit ranks, Petula notices that he is so calm and normal, unlike everyone else. She wants nothing to do with him or his bionic arm. As time goes on, she begins to change her mind about Jacob, and she starts to see the good in life with his help. Petula, for the first time since the tragedy, is starting to be an optimist, until one secret slips out and threatens to tear down everything. Will she recover, or will she live to be a pessimist forever?

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