Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Hamish X and the Cheese Pirates (By Seán Cullen) Reviewed by Chelsea Lee


Hamish X and the Cheese Pirates (By Seán Cullen) 

Hamish X has been put into too many orphanages to count, because he escapes every single one of them. Soon enough, he has escaped every orphanage except the Windcity Orphanage, which is known to put the children to work making stinky blue cheese. Instantly upon arriving, Hamish X befriends Parveen and Mimi, and together they plan their escape. Everything is going smoothly until Windcity gets attacked by a ferocious gang of pirates, led by Cheesebeard of Snow Monkey Island. In order to save themselves and the other orphans, Hamish X, Parveen and Mimi must embark on a treacherous journey to free themselves and start a new life. Will they survive? Or will they perish in the journey?
recommend this book for ages 7 and up. It can be a bit childish sometimes, with potty humour and farts galore, but it can also be super serious and even a bit gory at times. I liked the main characters, and the massive plot twist right at the end. I would rate this book 4/5 stars. 

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