Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Wild Robot By Peter Brown Reviewed By Devon Monahan

The Wild Robot is about a robot named Roz. The story begins when Roz washed up on an island and was turned on when an otter initialized her.  The story develops as she has to learn how to survive in this territory.  She must learn how to move in all the landscapes of the island and to protect herself from the wild animals who consider her a monster.  Will she only learn enough to survive or will she develop enough to thrive in her new unfamiliar home?  

I feel the Middle School Pillar that Roz develops most in the story is Service.  I think Roz develops Service most in the story because she became a mom for a gosling after she accidentally killed his parents. Roz does not know how to be a mom, but she still tried her best to provide a family for Brightbill.  Another example of when Roz provided Service was when she built more lodges for all the other animals during the winter storm. Without those lodges and Roz’s support, many of the animals would not have survived the winter.  

I would recommend the Wild Robot Escapes. It is the sequel to this book.  Although I haven't read it yet, I would still like to read it at some point as I really liked this book.  Because I enjoyed this book, I would rate it 4 stars.    

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