Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Land of stories: The Wishing Spell Review by Apollin

I give this book 5 stars out of 5 because it was a really interesting and exciting book. The book is about twins Alex and Connor Bailey. Alex is really smart and does well in school but Connor thinks school is boring and often falls asleep in class. When Alex and Connor’s grandmother gives them a book about fairy tales Alex discovers that you can enter the book into the land of fairytales. When they enter the land of the fairytales, all of the fairytale characters that their grandmother told them about were there. However, they soon discover that the only way they can get back home is to find all the ingredients for the wishing spell. The wishing spell is a spell created by someone that can help them get back to the real world. It can only be used twice and there is only one chance left. Unfortunately, they are not the only one looking for the spell, they have to compete against an Evil Queen who wants it. Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed this book and the excitement that it brought. The book certainly relates to the middle school pillar of courage. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to enter a world that you know nothing about, and overcome so many dangerous obstacles. I am looking forward to reading the next book.

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