Thursday, September 3, 2020

How They Croaked by Georgia Bragg Reviewed by Laila Shetty


This summer, I read How They Croaked by Georgia Bragg. This gory book is about how many famous people gruesomely died. Who exploded in their coffin? What renowned writer went to cast his vote wearing his dirty clothes inside out and backwards? Which president was killed by his doctors? Are you intrigued? All of these questions are answered in this book.

Many people in this book did acts of service. Before her death, Marie Curie drove X-Ray trucks during World War I to help locate bullets inside injured soldiers. George Washington fought against the British as commander in chief of the Continental Army. Charles Darwin changed the way people think with his theory of evolution.

I really enjoyed this book and would rate it four out of five stars. If you like the Horrible Histories series, you’ll love this book.

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