Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy Reviewed by Laila Shetty

 I just enjoyed reading Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy. It’s about a high school student named Willowdean that is proud to consider herself a “fat girl”. That is until she meets Bo while working at a fast-food restaurant. She likes him but is surprised to find that feeling may be mutual, but while in a relationship with him, her confidence starts to waver. To prove that she deserves to be up there just like everybody else she decides to try out for the Miss Teen Blue Bonnet Beauty Pageant with a bunch of unlikely friends. She may end up surprising Clover City as well as herself.

I think that the pillar the Willowdean shows the most in this book is courage. She was quite nervous to participate but she did it by overcoming her fear. She also mustered up the courage to tell her mom off for trying to make her feel ashamed about her body. Lastly, she figured out how to stand up to Patrick Thomas without getting violent(it only happened once though).

If you like Dumplin’, you may also like Puddin’ which is its sequel. If I had to rate this book out of five stars, I would give it a three.

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