Tuesday, September 8, 2020

George By Alex Gino Reviewed by Apollin

Everybody thinks that Geroge is a boy, but George has a secret he has never told anyone but his best friend, Kelly. George knows that he is a girl he can feel, but George doesn’t feel like a boy, he isn’t even good at being a boy. When George’s class does that play Charlotte’s Web, George decides to try as Charlotte, and things start to change. The middle school pillar that George showed the most, in my opinion, is Courage. Because it takes Courage to try out things that you have never done before, and still do it, even if you are worried that others will make fun of you. George showed Courage the most because when he tried out for Charlotte, other kids said that it would be weird if a boy is a girl character. But overcame his fears and still tried out for Charlotte. I give this book a 5/5 because it is a great book, and when I was reading it, I felt like I was with the characters in the book. 

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