During a mission to Mars, NASA astronaut Mark Watney finds himself stranded on Mars after a fierce storm. With only a limited supply of resources and no means of communication with NASA, he must somehow make it off this barren planet. Meanwhile, NASA discovers he’s alive through satellite images. NASA and Watney’s crewmates work tirelessly to bring him home.
I think the pillar that the protagonist developed the most throughout the book was courage. Even though he was totally and utterly stranded with no chance of getting off, he still persevered the whole time. Courage was also displayed by NASA and Watney’s crewmates. They never stopped trying to bring him home.
I would rate this book ⅘ stars. Most of the book was exciting and interesting, but sometimes the story could be a bit hard to follow. A book I have read that is similar to this is The Maze Runner by James Dashner.
I think the pillar that the protagonist developed the most throughout the book was courage. Even though he was totally and utterly stranded with no chance of getting off, he still persevered the whole time. Courage was also displayed by NASA and Watney’s crewmates. They never stopped trying to bring him home.
I would rate this book ⅘ stars. Most of the book was exciting and interesting, but sometimes the story could be a bit hard to follow. A book I have read that is similar to this is The Maze Runner by James Dashner.
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