Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Ugly, A Memoir by Robert Hoge Reviewed by Clara

I read the book Ugly, A Memoir by Robert Hoge. Robert was born different, he had no legs and his face was all mixed up. When his Mom saw him for the first time she didn't want to take him home. A few months later she decides to take him home, so he can start his life with a loving family. At the age of four, Robert had a big operation to fix his face. Robert learned how to swim and went to school for the first time. Robert dealt with a lot of bullying and being called names. He had several more operations growing up too. Robert was told that he couldn't do things with his prosthetic legs because his prosthetic legs got in the way of sports for him.  When he was older he got introduced to lawn bowling which became a hobby for him. If you read this book it will tell you that you are beautiful no matter what you physically look like. I would recommend this book to others to hear this story of a brave man. I think that this book shows courage because Robert had to deal with bullying and he ignored it and went on with his day. I would rate this book 4.5 out of 5 because it was very engaging to read.

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