Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Under the Egg Reviewed by Anna Beaudry


Theodora is very poor and her grandfather sadly passed away in front of her. Theodora’s last conversation with Jack (her grandfather) was very mysterious:

Jack: “It’s under the egg, look under the egg!”

Theodora: “What is it Jack? What’s under the egg?

Jack: “There’s . . .a letter. And a treasure. Before it’s too late!”

Theodora meets a friend named Bodhi who is very different from her, and together they try to solve the mystery of what Jack’s words meant.

In this book, Theodora develops courage. She develops the courage to keep going and to not give up.

I haven’t read any books like this one but I absolutely loved it so everyone should read it.

I give this book a 5/5 star rating.

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