Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Red Queen Reviewed by Jessica Liao


A book I read during the summer is The Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. This book follows a girl named Mare Barrow. The world Mare lives in is divided by blood. Red and Silver. Red bloods are the people who are below the elite slivers and are destined to serve them. Silvers are rich and fancy people of the society who run the government and who are kings and queens. But Mare and her family are poor reds, with Mare’s three brothers off to war, a disabled father and Mare being not apprenticed, the family’s only legal income is from Mare’s younger sister, Gisa. She sells embroidery to the silvers. But with Mare being the stronghearted girl who wants to provide for her family as much as she can, she pickpockets. One day while pickpocketing, Mare meets someone that changed her whole trajectory of life. A twist of fate landed her in the royal palace, where she accidentally discovered an ability of her own, abilities that only silvers had. To hide this impossibility from other royalties and nobles the king changes her identity to a lost silver princess called lady Titanos. During her days as a silver princess, Mare finds out about a red rebellion called the Scarlet Guards who want nothing more but equality between bloods. Risking her life, Mare helps the Scarlet Guards. But her actions put her in a deadly position.

The main character Mare in The Red Queen demonstrates a lot of courage in this book. She is often put in difficult situations such as being a part of a red rebellion but also a silver princess. It would take lots of courage to keep her emotions in check and accomplish so much under all the pressure.

If you enjoyed reading the Red Queen, I would recommend reading The Divergent series and the Hunger Games series. These books all have powerful characters who are often put under difficult and confusing situations and whose limits are constantly being tested. The plots of these novels are also well laid out and each page is unpredictable.

I would give The Red Queen a 4 out of 5 stars. I didn't really like the character's personality sometimes but the plot kind of made up for that.

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