Thursday, September 3, 2020

Wires and Nerves by Marissa Meyer Reviewed by Cindy Chen


I read the graphic novel Wires and Nerves by Marissa Meyer, a spinoff for one of the best series in the world The Lunar Chronicles also by Marissa Meyer. Wires and Nerves were what happened after the Lunar Chronicles so there are quite a few spoilers. I loved this book so much and I got sucked right into the book. In this graphic novel Iko, a robot with a personality is hunting down the Lunar soldiers. After Cinder became Queen and destroyed Queen Levanna she started changing and the Lunar soldiers Levanna created were not happy. Attacks started happening and Iko was trying to track them down. Little does she know, the soldiers are planning something bigger. I would rate this book a five out of five stars because I loved the drawings and how it was like a movie version of the Lunar Chronicles. The school pillar that I think represents this book is service because Iko is working very hard to make the world a better place. A book that is similar to this series is Throne if Glass. It is also a science fiction book and it’s very action packed like Wires and Nerves. Thank you for reading my book review!

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