Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien Reviewed by Avery So

The Two Towers is a sequel to the Fellowship of the Ring, the first book in the Lord of the Rings series. This book is focused on Frodo’s journey after he leaves Rivendell with a fellowship of two men, three other hobbits, a dwarf and an elf (also accompanied by Gandalf the Grey). They travel onwards, quickly becoming aware of someone or something following them. The fellowship decides to brave the Mines of Moria and are forced to face an ancient creature of fire, which puts them in grave danger.  


This book is my personal favourite of the Lord of the Rings series. The action scenes in this book are extremely detailed, and the author includes character development of the fellowship, especially Frodo Baggins. I would rate this book five out of five stars!

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