Friday, June 26, 2020

“Fish in a tree” reviewed by Sissi Zhao

Today I’m writing a review on the book “Fish in a tree” by Lynda Mullaly Hunt.
These are a few of my favourite quotes from this book.
“Things are going to be different.
It’s like birds can swim and fish can fly.
Impossible to possible.” -Ally Nickerson.
Invisible to invincible” - unknown.
For me this book is a perfect way to understand the difference between peoples, like a a new pair of eyes seeing things in a different aspect.and the difference between people. The main character in this book is courages and honest when facing problems and never back down no mater how hard the path ahead is she
also have a very creative minds and always think out of the Box.

I rate this book ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ a five out of five.

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