Friday, June 26, 2020

Swindle reviewed by Hendrik Dietrich

When Griffin Bing plans a spooky sleepover he did not know that he could be a millionaire by stumbling over a rare Babe Ruth baseball card. But things take a sharp turn when a mean collector, S. Wendell Palomino, swindles him into thinking that the card is not worth a lot of money and tricks him out of the card. But Griffin is not without reason called “The Man With The Plan”. He will not give up a card worth thousands of dollars without a fight.
At one point in the story Griffin divulges his plan to helpers, not knowing if he can trust them. On page 122 it says: “ Before we go any further … I need your word that what’s said in this room stays in this room. In or out, you can’t tell anyone about this. Ever. This is no kids’ game. There's serious stuff on the line - serious money, but also serious trouble if anything goes wrong. If you think you can’t handle it, there’s the door.”
I think that this takes a lot of courage because with divulging them he is at their mercy.

One book that is similar is Rules by Cynthia Lord. I think these two books share the same style of writing.

I would rate this book 5 out of 5 stars because it is creative, fun, thrilling, exciting, and absorbing.

Percy Jackson and the olympians the last Olympian’s by Sissi Zhao

Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book Five The Last Olympian ...Today I’m writing a review on the book “ Percy Jackson and the olympians the last Olympian’s.” By Rick Riordan. My advice is to read this series if you know about the Greek gods, why? you would ask, because when I started this book I hade no clue what’s it’s talking about the most annoying part is the oracles of Delphi and what it is, later I found out that she is an oracle and she prophesied a prophecy also know as “the great prophecy”. so when I read this I have to look up almost everything but at the end i learned more than I expected from a fiction book. The characters in this book are brave, fearless, honest, funny and they never give up no matter how hard the task is.
I rate this book a five⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ out of five.
Sissi Zhao, June 25th 2020

George reviewed by James Ashwin

When I read George, I felt that Alex Gino supplied some good lessons to remember. Such as ‘don’t care about what other people think’, if you have something to say, say it’, and most importantly ‘just be yourself’. I’d give this book a 4⁄5 stars because in most parts, the book had me hooked, but a few times my mind was able to wander around. The book is about a girl named George. She looks like a boy, dresses like a boy and hasn’t told anyone about her secret.

“Fish in a tree” reviewed by Sissi Zhao

Today I’m writing a review on the book “Fish in a tree” by Lynda Mullaly Hunt.
These are a few of my favourite quotes from this book.
“Things are going to be different.
It’s like birds can swim and fish can fly.
Impossible to possible.” -Ally Nickerson.
Invisible to invincible” - unknown.
For me this book is a perfect way to understand the difference between peoples, like a a new pair of eyes seeing things in a different aspect.and the difference between people. The main character in this book is courages and honest when facing problems and never back down no mater how hard the path ahead is she
also have a very creative minds and always think out of the Box.

I rate this book ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ a five out of five.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Should The Hate U Give be banned? Ewan tells us his opinion

‘The Life-Changing Manga of Cleaning Up’ by Marie Kondo Reviewed by Deristhi Govender

Marie Kondo 'The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up" book review ...I’ve just finished reading ’The Life-Changing Manga of Cleaning Up’ by Marie Kondo for the umpteenth time. Every time I finish reading it, I feel the need to tell everyone I know about it because it truly is life-changing. Though it is a graphic novel, I believe that people of all ages would enjoy and benefit from it. 
Chiaki Suzuki was a messy lady who was in the habit of falling in love quickly and frequently. One evening, after Chiaki’s cute neighbour, knocked on her door, and saw the mess she called home, Chiaki felt so embarrassed that she signed up for tidying lessons with Marie Kondo. Yes, tidying lessons are a thing! I couldn’t imagine how Marie Kondo was going to tackle the mountains of mess in Chiaki’s apartment, but boy, was I impressed when she set her KonMari method in motion. I bet you’re wondering how the KonMari Method works. Well, it encourages tidying up by category rather than by room, but you’ll have to read the book for more details. You’ll love the great tips listed at the end of each chapter. 
The story also includes how Marie Kondo became a tidying expert. It started with her reading lifestyle magazines, and I was surprised to learn that she actually had a nervous breakdown from tidying when she was in high school. You’ll have to bury your nose in this book to find out how she turned things around to become a best-selling author with her own Netflix show.  
This book also offers lots of quirky recommendations. Did you know that the only time that your socks get a chance to rest is when they’re in your drawer? After reading this book, you will completely rethink the way you store your clothes. Fortunately, Marie Kondo has included an entire section on the right way to fold clothes and let me tell you, once you try it, you will be hooked. 

Whenever I reach the last page of this story, I feel inspired to declutter and organize my room, but that said, this book is not only for neat freaks. It is not just about tidying up; it is about surrounding yourself with things that make you happy. In conclusion, I’m defending and keeping this book because it does what exactly cover says it will, it sparks joy in me.